Statbotics aims to modernize FRC data analytics through developing and distributing cutting-edge metrics and analysis. This Python API makes Expected Points Added (EPA) statistics just a few Python lines away! Currently we support queries on teams, years, events, and matches. Read below for usage and documentation.

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With Python>=3.8 and pip installed, run

pip install statbotics==2.0.1

Then in a Python file, create a Statbotics object and get started!

import statbotics

sb = statbotics.Statbotics()

>> {'team': 254, 'name': 'The Cheesy Poofs', 'offseason': False, 'state': 'CA', 'country': 'USA', 'district': None, 'rookie_year': 1999, 'active': True, 'norm_epa': 1961.0, 'norm_epa_recent': 1956.0, 'norm_epa_mean': 1896.0, 'norm_epa_max': 2114.0, ... }

Read below for more methods!

API Reference

class statbotics.main.Statbotics

Main Object for interfacing with the Statbotics API

get_team(team: int, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → Dict[str, Any]

Function to retrieve information on an individual team

  • team – Team Number, integer
  • fields – List of fields to return. The default is [“all”]

a dictionary with team metadata and EPA statistics

get_teams(country: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[str] = None, district: Optional[str] = None, active: Optional[bool] = True, metric: str = 'team', ascending: Optional[bool] = None, limit: int = 100, offset: int = 0, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Function to retrieve information on multiple teams

  • country – Restrict based on country (select country to include)
  • state – US States and Canada provinces only. Can infer country.
  • district – Use 2 or 3-letter key (ex: FIM, NE, etc)
  • active – Restrict to active teams (played most recent season)
  • metric – Order output by field (Ex: “-norm_epa”, “team”, etc). Default is “team”.
  • ascending – Order output ascending or descending. Default varies by metric.
  • limit – Limits the output length to speed up queries. Max 10,000
  • offset – Skips the first (offset) items when returning
  • fields – List of fields to return. Default is [“all”]

A list of dictionaries, each dictionary including team metadata and EPA statistics

get_year(year: int, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → Dict[str, Any]

Function to retrieve information for a specific year

  • year – Year, integer
  • fields – List of fields to return. The default is [“all”]

a dictionary with the year, match prediction statistics, and RP prediction statistics

get_years(metric: str = 'year', ascending: Optional[bool] = None, limit: int = 100, offset: int = 0, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Function to retrieve information on multiple years

  • metric – Order output by field. (Ex: “epa_acc”, “epa_mse”, etc). Default “year”
  • ascending – Order output ascending or descending. Default varies by metric.
  • limit – Limits the output length to speed up queries. Max 10,000
  • offset – Skips the first (offset) items when returning
  • fields – List of fields to return. Default is [“all”]

A list of dictionaries, each dictionary including the year and match/RP prediction statistics

get_team_year(team: int, year: int, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → Dict[str, Any]

Function to retrieve information for a specific team’s performance in a specific year

  • team – Team number, integer
  • year – Year, integer
  • fields – List of fields to return. The default is [“all”]

a dictionary with the team, year, and EPA statistics

get_team_years(team: Optional[int] = None, year: Optional[int] = None, country: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[str] = None, district: Optional[str] = None, metric: str = 'team', ascending: Optional[bool] = None, limit: int = 100, offset: int = 0, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Function to retrieve information on multiple (team, year) pairs

  • team – Restrict based on a specific team number
  • country – Restrict based on country (select countries included)
  • state – US States and Canada provinces only. Can infer country.
  • district – Use 2 or 3-letter key (ex: FIM, NE, etc)
  • metric – Order output by field. (Ex: “epa_end”, “team”, etc). Default “team”
  • ascending – Order output ascending or descending. Default varies by metric.
  • limit – Limits the output length to speed up queries. Max 10,000
  • offset – Skips the first (offset) items when returning
  • fields – List of fields to return. Default is [“all”]

A list of dictionaries, each dictionary including the team, year, and EPA statistics

get_event(event: str, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → Dict[str, Any]

Function to retrieve information for a specific event

  • event – Event key, string (ex: “2019cur”)
  • fields – List of fields to return. The default is [“all”]

a dictionary with the event and EPA statistics

get_events(year: Optional[int] = None, country: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[str] = None, district: Optional[str] = None, type: Union[str, int, None] = None, week: Optional[int] = None, metric: str = 'year', ascending: Optional[bool] = None, limit: int = 100, offset: int = 0, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Function to retrieve information on multiple events

  • year – Restrict by specific year, integer
  • country – Restrict based on country (select countries included)
  • state – US States and Canada provinces only. Can infer country.
  • district – Use 2 or 3-letter key (ex: FIM, NE, etc)
  • type – 0=regional, 1=district, 2=district champ, 3=champs, 4=einstein
  • week – Week of play, generally between 0 and 8
  • metric – Order output bu field. (Ex: “epa_pre_playoffs”, “epa_end”, etc). Default “year”
  • ascending – Order output ascending or descending. Default varies by metric.
  • limit – Limits the output length to speed up queries. Max 10,000
  • offset – Skips the first (offset) items when returning
  • fields – List of fields to return. Default is [“all”]

A list of dictionaries, each dictionary including the team, event and EPA statistics

get_team_event(team: int, event: str, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → Dict[str, Any]

Function to retrieve information for a specific (team, event) pair

  • team – Team number, integer
  • event – Event key, string (ex: “2019cur”)
  • fields – List of fields to return. The default is [“all”]

a dictionary with the event and EPA statistics

get_team_events(team: Optional[int] = None, year: Optional[int] = None, event: Optional[str] = None, country: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[str] = None, district: Optional[str] = None, type: Union[str, int, None] = None, week: Optional[int] = None, metric: str = 'year', ascending: Optional[bool] = None, limit: int = 0, offset: int = 0, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Function to retrieve information on multiple (team, event) pairs

  • team – Restrict by team number, integer
  • year – Restrict by specific year, integer
  • country – Restrict based on country (select countries included)
  • state – US States and Canada provinces only. Can infer country.
  • district – Use 2 or 3-letter key (ex: FIM, NE, etc)
  • type – 0=regional, 1=district, 2=district champ, 3=champs, 4=einstein
  • week – Week of play, generally between 0 and 8
  • metric – Order output by field. (Ex: “epa_pre_playoffs”, “epa_end”, etc). Default “year”
  • ascending – Order output ascending or descending. Default varies by metric.
  • limit – Limits the output length to speed up queries. Max 10,000
  • offset – Skips the first (offset) items when returning
  • fields – List of fields to return. Default is [“all”]

A list of dictionaries, each dictionary including the team, event and EPA statistics

get_match(match: str, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → Dict[str, Any]

Function to retrieve information for a specific match

  • match – Match key, string (ex: “2019cur_qm1”, “2019cmptx_f1m3”)
  • fields – List of fields to return. The default is [“all”]

a dictionary with the match, score breakdowns, and predictions

get_matches(team: Optional[int] = None, year: Optional[int] = None, event: Optional[str] = None, week: Optional[int] = None, elims: Optional[bool] = None, metric: str = 'time', ascending: Optional[bool] = None, limit: int = 200, offset: int = 0, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Function to retrieve information on multiple matches

  • team – Restrict by team number, integer
  • year – Restrict by specific year, integer
  • event – Restrict by specific event key, string
  • week – Week of play, generally between 0 and 8
  • elims – Restrict to only elimination matches, default False
  • metric – Order output by field. (Ex: “time”, “epa_pre_playoffs”, “epa_end”, etc). Default “time”
  • ascending – Order output ascending or descending. Default varies by metric.
  • limit – Limits the output length to speed up queries. Max 10,000
  • offset – Skips the first (offset) items when returning
  • fields – List of fields to return. Default is [“all”]

A list of dictionaries, each dictionary including the match, score breakdowns, and predictions

get_team_match(team: int, match: str, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → Dict[str, Any]

Function to retrieve information for a specific (team, match) pair

  • team – Team number, integer
  • match – Match key, string (ex: “2019cur_qm1”, “2019cmptx_f1m3”)
  • fields – List of fields to return. The default is [“all”]

a dictionary with the team, match, alliance, and EPA statistics

get_team_matches(team: Optional[int] = None, year: Optional[int] = None, event: Optional[str] = None, week: Optional[int] = None, match: Optional[str] = None, elims: Optional[bool] = None, metric: str = 'time', ascending: Optional[bool] = None, limit: int = 100, offset: int = 0, fields: List[str] = ['all']) → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Function to retrieve information on multiple (team, match) pairs

  • team – Restrict by team number, integer
  • year – Restrict by specific year, integer
  • event – Restrict by specific event key, string
  • week – Week of play, generally between 0 and 8
  • elims – Restrict to only elimination matches, default False
  • metric – Order output by field. (Ex: “time”, “auto_epa”, etc). Default “time”
  • ascending – Order output ascending or descending. Default varies by metric.
  • limit – Limits the output length to speed up queries. Max 10,000
  • offset – Skips the first (offset) items when returning
  • fields – List of fields to return. Default is [“all”]

A list of dictionaries, each dictionary including the team, match, alliance, and then elo


If you are interested in contributing, reach out to Abhijit Gupta ( Source code is available at


If you are having issues, please let us know. We welcome issues and pull requests at


The project is licensed under the MIT license.